Huset 2450 Huskunstner i Huset 2450 I hele 2021 fik jeg lov til at være huskunstner hos Børnekulturstedet Karens Minde i "Huset 2450". Lidt baggrund om projektet her.
Electronics, Code, YuleTree How to talk to your Yule Tree In December 2020 and 2021 Max and I made a 10 meter tall interactive Yule Tree. This is how we and you talk to it.
Light, Max Tobiassen, YuleTree Juletræer på vandet - 2021 version Som det efterhånden er blevet en tradition, satte Max og Jeg juletræer på vandet igen i år. Det ene var "genbrug" af sidste års interaktive juletræ fra Sluseholmen,
Huset 2450 Materialer og metoder I arbejdet har en stribe værktøjer og metoder været gennemgående. De samme værktøjer bliver brugt til mange forskellige aktiviteter: Gasbrænderen - Støvsugeren - Trykluftkompressoren - Skruemaskinen
Huset 2450 Ild og væske I forbindelse med bålaktiviteten kom der ikke overraskende et ønske fra ungerne om, at vi skulle prøve at hælde tændvæske på bålet, mens der var ild i det. Jeg forklarede
Huset 2450 Gazart Samarbejde Gazart er et børneteaterkompagni som har kontor i Huset2450. Vi fik et samarbejde i stand, hvor jeg stod for en “workshop” for børn efter forestillingen “Stop Op Hop”.
Huset 2450 Alustøbning Opstod under workshoprækken “Destruktion og Skønhed”. Jeg har altid gerne ville prøve at smelte aluminium, og da vi i forvejen var gået i gang med at lave bål sammen med ungerne, var det oplagt at se om vi kunne smelte metal.
Huset 2450 Foto med Annika Både Annika og jeg har længe gerne villet udforske fotografi og kemi og lys. Vi ville rigtigt gerne se, om vi kunne udvikle nogle simple foto- og fremkaldelsesteknikker, som ikke anvender alt for mange giftige kemikalier.
Huset 2450 Tændstikker Jeg fandt en kasse med 1000-vis af tændstikker med svovl på, og vi satte ungerne til at lave “kædereaktioner” med tændstikkerne. En klassisk aktivitet, men helt klart et godt eksempel på en aktivitet, som hurtigt fangede de “vilde unger” ind
Huset 2450 Bål Da vi startede i marts 2021, var vi pga Covid-19 nødt til at være udenfor. Vi fortsatte med at være udenfor hele året, og tændte bål da vi nåede til den kolde tid.
Huset 2450 Cola, Mentos og Malingskum Ungerne efterspurgte, at vi prøvede det klassiske cola og mentos forsøg. Jeg ville gerne give dem den oplevelse, men jeg synes også det var vigtigt, at der kom en anden vinkel på. Hvordan kunne man finde en æstetisk vinkel på Cola og Mentos forsøget?
Huset 2450 Forvandlingsweekend Sofie fik fundet penge til en “forvandlingsweekend” i Huset2450, hvor en masse unger og en stribe kunstnere - Og mig med - malede og pyntede husets invendige områder, så det kom til at blive mindre kontorlandskab og mere børnekunsthus.
Huset 2450, Fire, Kids, Workshop Burning Wood with Car Battery Creating patterns on wood using a steel wire heated by using a car battery.
Huset 2450 Planter og kemikalier Vi undersøgte hvordan forskellige planter opfører sig i syrer og baser sammen med ungerne. Syrer trak farverne ud, mens basen fuldstændigt opløste plantedelene til en sort masse.
Huset 2450 Beat The Street Arrangement ved idrætscontaineren sammen med “Mit Kvarter”. Lars Kynde var med. Vi cyklede derover, og det blev “startskuddet” til at prøve at lave flere aktiviteter ved Idrætscontaineren.
Huset 2450 Fløjter og orgelpiber Lars Kynde er instrumentbygger, og vi har arbejdet sammen på flere forskellige projekter. Vi ville gerne bruge noget tid på at udforske fløjter og orgelpiber lidt mere.
Huset 2450 Actionpainting Legepladsen ved Huset2450 har en svævebane, som benyttes livligt af de lokale unger. Jeg havde gået og kigget på svævebanen og tænkt, at vi måtte kunne bruge den til noget
Huset 2450 Vandraketter og trykluft For at få fat i ungerne fra Rubinen på en let måde, tog jeg fat i en aktivitet jeg har lavet før: Vand/luft-raketter og trykluft. Dét, at få lov til at skyde med noget er umiddelbart og sjovt og et sikkert hit blandt ungerne.
Huset 2450 Hul i Hegnet En af de allerførste aktiviteter, som havde meget symbolsk karakter. Vi havde snakket om at save hegnet ned, og havde faktisk også fået lov til det - Men for at starte blidt ud, savede vi en mindre hul i hegnet ind mod fritidsklubben Rubinen
Huset 2450 Rummet og pladsen Da jeg startede i januar, var hverken rum eller plads særligt brugbare. Der manglede opbevaringsplads både ude og inde. Vi fik købt reoler til rummet og bygget overdækning og materialerreoler udenfor.
Huset 2450 Breve - Byg Noget Primært Annikas projekt, hvor jeg bidrog med en kuvert med byggematerialer, og bidrog til at uddele, sammen med Annika. Gik ud med trillebør: Håndholdt og imødekommende.
Huset 2450, Light, Sound, Tobias Lukassen, Electronics Modular Lys-Synth Med lyssensorer og ledlys kan man sende lyd rundt i et kredsløb med lys. Det giver nogle overraskende muligheder for at skabe nye instrumenter og lydinteraktion, at man er frigjort
Future, Light, Fire, Schack Lindemann Varmluftballoner Store varmluftballoner, holdt oppe af gasflammer. Gasflammen fungerer som et visuelt element, kombineret med LED-lys. Det lykkedes ikke at gennemføre varmluftballon-projektet, så det er kommet i skuffen til en anden gang
Light, Max Tobiassen, Interactive, YuleTree Det Flydende Juletræ 2020 In 2020 Max and I made a big, interactive Christmas Tree for Copenhagen South Harbour.
Future, Sound, Havnepoesi, Tobias Lukassen, Water Strings singing in a stream During my stay in Linz at "Eleonore" I played quite a bit with strings in the flowing water of Donau. Turned out these strings produced quite amazing sounds
Kids, Water, Workshop Play in the artificial creek I made a small artificial creek for kids to play in. A pump pulling up water from the harbour and letting it flow down a canal made of wood. Kids
Kids, Workshop, Fabrication Små biler i lange baner Små biler i lange baner - Sommerferieaktivitet på Karens Minde. Hvordan bygger man de hurtigste små biler?
Boat, Electronics, Code Raspberry Pi on my sailboat To get some better monitoring of data for speed, electric consumption etc. I am currently trying out the Openplotter "Suite". It is an open source boat monitoring and
Electronics, Guide Battery Voltage Measurement Exploring ways to measure voltages in a battery bank. Using resistors or optocouplers.
Spillekortet De beslutter sig for at lede i hele stuen, for at finde hjerter dame. De leder hele natten, og lige inden solen skal til at stå op, kravler de op af reolen igen, slukørede.
Fabrication, Electronics Tabletop smoke filter I am sometimes soldering in the field without any fume extraction available. I am trying to make a "circular" filter, that blows and sucks at the same time.
Fire, Max Tobiassen, Water Bonfire on wooden floor We are exploring ways to have a bonfire burn on top of a wooden floor. How much water cooling does it take to keep the floor from burning? Continuation of
Koen og Ålen Der stod en ko på marken. Den stod og gnaskede græs og kløver, for det var dens yndlingsmad. Koen var sammen med en hel flok andre køer der på marken, og de hyggede sig og passede for det meste sig selv.
Fabrication, Past Golfball ball bearings I needed big ball bearings for pieces of plywood rotating on each other. Maybe golfballs could be used to construct big ball bearings? I have purchased 200 used golfballs to
Kids, Workshop, Past MegaMegafon Sammen med en flok unger fra fritidshjemmet Børnehuset Frederiksholm, byggede jeg en kæmpe Megafon, som blev brugt til startskuddet af Go' Stil kampagnen i Sydhavnen.
Koen som opfandt kakaomælken ... pludselig kom der brun mælk ud af patterne på koen i stedet for hvid mælk. Pigen smagte forsigtigt på mælken, og opdagede, at den smagte vildt godt.
Stenen ved siden af vejen Pas på! Råbte børnene, da de nåede til stenen, men deres far nåede ikke at dreje, måtte stå op på bremsen, men de stødte alligevel ind i stenen med et ordentligt bump.
Karens Minde, Kids, Workshop Magnets on the walls A Christmas workshop for Feriecamp at Karens Minde Kulturhus making magnets for all the walls covered in steel plates. View this post on Instagram Ispinde med magnettape, det er alt
Illutron, Interactive, Sound, Fire Towers of thunder 6 towers placed hundreds of meters apart. At a central location, the players can trigger cannons in each tower. Because of the speed of sound some locations will have the
Light, Havnepoesi, Max Tobiassen, YuleTree Sailing Yule Tree 2019 Max and I decided to redo the Sailing Yule Tree this year. We didn't do all the LEDs that the first tree had - They were just in
Boat, Water, Sketch Very tiny Boat I wanted to make a boat as small as possible, but still very stable. Here is a few sketches on the idea.
Water, Workshop Artificial flash flood Fill a shipping container with water, build tiny houses in front of it, release all of the water in one go and watch the destruction.
Workshop, Kids Hyperbolske Paraboloider Inspired by Antoni Gaudi, straight strings change into soft shapes. A workshops for kids and adults, that I have done a couple of times.
Interactive, Karens Minde, Code Kropsmaskinen An interactive installations making the moving hands of kids into a kaleidoscopic video art piece. A video mixer using simple colored pieces as interface. The system was made using a
Karens Minde, Interactive, Kids Rør mig Huskunstnerprojekt på Strandparkskolen sammen med 3 andre kunstnere. Afsluttet med en interaktiv udstilling i pavillonen på Karens Minde. Huskunstnerprojektet var et samarbejde mellem Børnekulturstedet Karens Minde og Strandparkskolen, en skole
Code, Interactive, Electronics Morse Recorder Box A box, to record key presses of Morse code done by audience members. Done using just an Arduino board and a bit of efficient code. A one button sequencer. The
Sound, Interactive, Karens Minde Beatmaskinen A 8 x 8 grid on paper and black paper squares. Becomes an interface for a beat box through Max/Msp.
Kids, Workshop Kids Crushing Things A hydraulic press crushing all kids of things. Securely protected by a blast screen, the kids got to destroy. View this post on Instagram Der gik "Det Muntre Køkken&
Kids, Sound, Workshop Homemade instruments Plywood balalaika, homemade pickups and using old LPs in new ways.
Guide, Electronics, Sound DIY "Humbugger" balanced pickup A really quick and dirty way to make a pickup in a pinch. A bolt, some wire and a super magnet. Attach to a xlr microphone cable and plug it
Light, Karens Minde Flaskepost til Fuglen A winter installation of light in the tree in the yard at Karens Minde Kulturhus by Maria Noer and I. A magpie and bottles of glowing milky liquid. View this
Workshop, Kids Akvavit chromatography Using aquavit or vodka to pull out the colors of inks and pens. Smells better than the household denatured alcohol.
Water, Havnepoesi, Photography Underwater Cameras Giving people passing by the harbour the opportunity to have a look at the life under the surface. It is an aquarium of life and not the barren wasteland some
Light, Havnepoesi Ekko Stilla Lizette Blanche made this creature as a Kulturhavn365 project. I provided the interactivity and lights.
Kids, Light LED light & Water colors Exploring the combination of different colors of LED-light on water color. Showing kids, that mixing colors is a bit more complex than taught in kindergarten. The colored light is just
Water, Havnepoesi Blomsterbøjer I wanted to put flowers on the water around Sluseholmen i København. Turned out to be quite a challenge to be allowed to do that. The locals loved the idea,
Illutron, Tobias Lukassen, Music, Fire, Schack Lindemann Pulsejet og Pigegarde En smukt samarbejde med Teknisk Museum og Helsingør Pigegarde, resulterede i en koncert for pulsejets midt mellem de gamle maskiner på museet. Lars Kynde skrev en ny komposition til lejligheden
Kids, Workshop Kids moving heavy stuff A workshop teaching Kids about levers, pulleys, rollers and chain hoists. Moving a shipping container using manual force only. I brought all the heavy lifting equipment from illutron and taught
Guide, Fire Making a pulsejet trombone A bit of a guide to the shape and construction of the pulsejet trombones - What we did to make them ignite and burn reliably.
Kids Playhouse Made a little playhouse for the kids in the garden. Custom made to fit snugly into a corner, so the old angry people didn't get a heart attack.
Fire, Kids, Sound, Illutron Marshmallow roaster - voice pitch controlled Using Max to capture the pitch of the voice and a pneumatic piston to move a gas torch. Sing the right note to make the flame hit the marshmallow. This
Fire, Illutron, Sound, Tobias Lukassen Pulse jet Symphony In 2016 the pulse jet trombones met composer Lars Kynde, and this resulted in a series of concerts with the pulsejets. First concert was in Fælledparken in Copenhagen as part
Fire, Max Tobiassen Bonfire on Rockwool bats We did a live test to figure out if Rockwool bats could be used to protect wood from a bonfire on top. 15 cm worked. But the cellulose in the
Light, Photography Flash Photo and electroMagnet Drop I made a little setup with an electromagnet, a LED as "flash" and a remote trigger for my Canon camera. Using an Arduino as controller, I could control
Light, Water, Guide Underwater Lights I have done underwater lights in many ways. Most fun was using oil filled jam jars and plastic bottles with 1000 W halogen tubes. My Instructable on Underwater Lights.
Future, Water Water Kites Like flying kites in the sky - but done in a river or stream. Multiple lines make the water kites steerable. I came up with this during a residency in
Water, Kids, Workshop, Fabrication Floating or Sinking Building boats and experimenting with buoyancy and ship stability. I made a little "kit" from acrylic plates, to have kids do easy experiments with various boat shapes. Taping
Sketch, Fire, Sound Sounds sends embers in the air Voice or music controlled embers from a bonfire. Burning logs of wood in a fire pit with a subwoofer connected to it. The beat of the bass from the speaker
Water, Light, Illutron, Max Tobiassen, Sonny Windstrup, Havnepoesi, YuleTree Sailing yule tree A 10 meter tall yule/christmas tree fitted with 2000 individually controlled LEDs sailing through the harbour. Tall enough to need the bridges opened. The tree was placed 3 different
Music, Havnepoesi, Water Kanalkoncerter A tiny float or boat with musicians on board, drifting slowly through the canals, filling the space between the buildings with music. The very first canal concert was completely unannounced.
Boat, Performance, Workshop Floats for "Clothes make the man" It is easy to build floats. In just a couple of hours a group of refugee kids build a float for the performance "Clothes make the man" by
Electronics, Water LEDs in Water + 230 V A little experiment getting smd leds to shine in water using 230 V. The water is conductive enough to have the voltage drop over the smd led make them shine.
Fire, Illutron Flammable Fire Extinguisher Converting an old fire extinguisher to a flame thrower. A fiend wanted to give his kid a cool birthday present, so I made this for him. Probably Not-Safe-For-Kids.
Fire, Tobias Lukassen Rite of passage to the eternal silicon fields Ritually getting rid of your old electronics. Electrocute it and burn it.
Water, Boat, Illutron Tiny Floating Crane To pick up some fairly heavy anchors, I designed and built a small sailing crane. Worked quite well.
Guide, Electronics, Sound Balanced Piezo Microphone Using two piezo contact microphones sandwiched together makes for an easy noise free balanced contact microphone. I have explained this pretty well in this Instructable.
Water, Havnepoesi Pump julen op A Christmas Tree hidden under water. Pump it up to get it floating. 10. december 2013 I did this installation for Streetheart Street Art Christimas Calendar. The tree had a
Sound Tuning Attiny with a heat gun The internal oscillator of a microcontroller like the Attiny85 are temperature dependent. The sound of two Attinys with the same oscillator code drifts in and out of tune as they
Sound, Ice, Tobias Lukassen, Future Skating and Hydrophones Freezing hydrophones into the ice of a skating rink. Catching all the scratches and cracks of the ice and the skaters action. This was a quick experiment only done once,
Future, Ice, Light, Illutron Ice Light Bulbs Touch sensitive light bulbs made of ice. They light up when you touch them. But when you touch them, you melt them and destroy them.
Light, Sonny Windstrup, Illutron 13 vinduer 13 lamper i 13 vinduer på Borgbjergsvej. Farverne styret af videoer af mennesker i bevægelse giver smukke naturlige animationer. Did this project with Sonny Windstrup. We had a great creative
Water, Performance, Havnepoesi, Illutron, Interactive Kraken - Havdans - The sinking ship An old sailboat hidden at the bottom of the harbour. At a push of a button, the boat rises to the surface for a little while - Then disappear beneath
Music, Performance, Havnepoesi Havneliv på kajen ved DAC Mens Dansk Arkitektur Center lå på Nordatlantens Brygge, stod jeg for en event, som viste hvad kajen også kunne bruges til. Der var bålfade langs havnen og jeg spillede hyggeguitar
Light, Guide Smd LED Flowers Mounting smd LEDs sideways in laser cut acrylic made these pretty flowers possible. Made a full instructable of the whole process of this.
Illutron, Fire, Tobias Lukassen, Sound Pulse jet trombone A pulse jet becomes an insane trombone with a slide to change the length of the exhaust pipe. First experiments with this was done by Tobias Lukassen and I at
Fire, Guide Gas + Air = Fire Experiments with mixing air and propane using the venturi effect - like a bunsen burner. This little guide should show you one way to make it work.
Guide, Fire, Electronics Arduino and Spark Plugs This little guide will show you how to make a spark plug spark - and control it from an Arduino. Using a Mosfet or a dedicated spark plug drive IC.
Fire, Illutron, Boat Propane powered water cannon An explosion of propane and air shoots a jet of water away. A clever non-return-valve setup fills the barrel with water. Fitted on a little raft to sail around with
Water, Havnepoesi, Boat Kaffeflåden A tiny coffee kitchen sailing in the canals of Copenhagen, giving away free coffee.
Performance, Interactive Controlled Aggression Berlin I was invited to Stattbad Wedding in 2011 to redo the Controlled Aggression performance. Techo music and smashed up stuff was a blast.
Kids, Fire, Illutron Grill Your Darlings Screaming kids burning toys with a voice controlled flamethrower. Not about destruction, but transformation of mass produced toys through the fire and energy of your screams. A microphone connected to
Havnepoesi, Light, Illutron, YuleTree Floating yule tree 3 days before Christmas in 2010 we decided to put some light out in the harbour. Looking a bit like a yule / Christmas tree. The harbour froze over and the
Guide, Electronics, Water Watertight cable junctions Working with installations in and under water at illutron, we often need watertight cable connections. Commercial products exist for this - But they are very expensive - And can be
Guide Simple Rotary Encoder Using just a small dc-motor and a resistor to make a crude rotary encoder for the Arduino. I came up with a very simple way to make rotary encoders. I
Sound, Light, Schack Lindemann, Interactive Color & Sound - Valve Cluster 1 The 6 handles on the controller box each control a specific light fixture in the ceiling and a simple oscillator. Rotating a handle, you can move either clockwise or counter
Light, Interactive, Music Load Cells and Dancers A high capacity load cell in the ceiling and a rope. Dancers swinging in the rope and through the load cell influences light and music. Originally developed during the Halfmachine/
Boat, Havnepoesi, Performance Bathtub Boat Sailing around the harbour in the summer of 2010 in a bathtub - Usually a bit more decently dressed. But at this occasion, I just couldn't resist putting
Guide, Electronics Arduino and Load Cells I have been doing some experiments to get load cells working with Arduino. This is a collection of my experiences. Something about: * What is a load cell * How did I
Water, Illutron, Performance Dry Suit Up Floating in a dry suit like a bloated corpse. A dancer using me as a lifeboat. Swimming around in the dark water in a huge steel cage. Draging dancers down
Light, Performance, Havnepoesi, Boat Floating Heartbeats GPS controlled persistence of vision on old diode displays from the danish national arena. The image on the box is scrolled backwards at the same speed as the floats are
Fire, Illutron, Havnepoesi Fishing Rods and Fire Baskets Fire baskets made for the orchestra fleet of the Submarine Ballet of 2009 with Live Art Installations in Copenhagen Harbour. Made in 2009 and hung at the side of the
Illutron, Performance, Interactive Controlled Aggression 2008 I am smashing up an apartment as people press buttons. The very first project I did with Halfmachine / illutron. A mockup of a small apartment. Me, sitting in the sofa.
Performance, Activism Waterboarding in Valby Demonstrating water boarding torture to people passing by to protest the US atrocities in Guantanamo. Done in a fun an kids friendly way, but with a pretty grim agenda underneath.
Interactive Interactive Argument A verbal fight between a man and a woman, controlled by push buttons. 10 phrases and for each phrase, the "tone" can be selected. Angry, neutral or flirty.